Sunday, July 31, 2016

Not much has been happening, Just playing pokemon go and watching youtube...I got a fucking Grimer who fucks up my game recently.. :( Seriously the first chance I get I'm getting rid of it. But yeah...I'm not dead. I gotta Go, Tintin and Haddock wanna watch Leafyishere.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

So...Hey there. Um...It's 2:15 in the morning...and...

I guess I'll introduce myself.

I'm Megan, I'm 19, Still living with my parents, I have no job, depression, ASD, and ADHD. As coping tools I have multiple imaginary friends and am Otherkin. I draw, write, read, fangirl, and love like a normal person. I see a therapist once a week, who is very kind and though I'd never tell her this, just beautiful as well. I'm starting this blog because I want to try and get a routine back into my life. I just graduated high school, and my family doesn't think I have good enough social skills to get a job of my own, yet. To do that I know I gotta get my shit together when it comes to my sleep schedule, hell, I slept till 2 this afternoon.

But yeah. After I finish I'm gonna go take a shower, mainly because it's hot as balls here and I need one anyway. I also have to check the laundry too. After that I'll see if Jeff and Toby (two of many imaginary friends) wanna watch more Elvira or something. I dunno.

And yeah you'll be able to tell who's real and who isn't by the color. I link the names of my imaginary friends so I don't have to explain who they are. So it's your fault, not mine, if you don't know. And YES, I know they aren't real, ok? I'm not fucking crazy. It just....I get really lonely, and Sometimes I just need to talk to someone whose right there. Even If I'm the only one who can see them. That, and they take the role of common sense at times too, reminding me to sleep, eat, etc. They help me get out of bed in the morning some days. My therapist knows about them too, and she's ok with me having them.

So...yeah. I'm gonna go take a shower, check the laundry, and basically watch youtube or something Till it's time to see my friend Ariane.
See you.